Gustavianum museum
A little visit to Gustavianum 🙂 Gustavianum is a must if you ever visit Uppsala in Sweden. They have some vendel/viking stuff but also egyptian and all kinds of stuff related to the Uppsala university that is Swedens oldest one.Viking bling. From above; turtle brooches, clothing fibula for closing cape or coat, armrings.Glass pearl necklace and combs.Necklace and another fibula. nr2 I dont recall what it was. Maybe somebody can fill me in on that?Drinking glass that has been glued together. Pretty color!Scissor.Warior gear. Under the glas floor is a reconstruction of a boat grave.Scissor and game pieces (is that the correct word?)More game piece.Cooking potsSaxSpear. Look at that decoration!Ring claspsHelmet!My favourite item here is this embroidery from a collar from Valsgärde.Here is a bad panorama on a very cool room, its the universitys old anatomy theatre from 1663! -
Stockholm trip part 2- 18th century bal
Bal in Kristienhovs Malmgård. Time to wear my 18th century dress! 😀
Foto: Kristienhovs Malmgård
Stockholm trip part 1
Here are some pictures from our visit in Livrustkammaren in Stockholm.
And then a visit to Old town! The only part of sthockholm i like! Here is my friend Hans Gunnar from Eikthyrnir (leathercrafts).
Danmark 2017
A little trip to Skagen, Denmark! And when abroad: Museuuumsss!
We found the beach just before the rain came! I never seen the danish beach before so this was nice^^
Gå på tur, aldrig sur! As the norwegians say.
Dramatic weather with snow and sun at the same time..
A lovely 19th century cottage.
And theeen: The textiles! Yey!
18th century or early 19th century jacket.
Edwardian summer jacket.
Edwardian mourning jacket.
Mourning outfit.
I´ll take them all thank you..! -
Annika Larssons viking exibition in Enköping
You may have heard about Annika Larsson before. She published her theory about a ribbon from Birka containing the word ”Allah”. The news got spread all over the world while some us where really sceptical. And she soon got allot of critisism. Why? Because the way she ”found” the word was by adding patterns on the sides and mirroring it… I think anyone can understand why this is problematic.Me and Johanna wanted to see the exibition in Enköping and see for ourselfs if she would give a better explination.Here are two replicas of card woven ribbons with gold and silver thread inserts on wool warp.
Ps. Yes the ribbons have ”swastikas” on them. Its abviously not about nazism since its from the viking age ,so dont worry. This symbol accures textiles through the history all over scandinavia, baltic and slavic region. We dont use it anymore (exept for replikas) but we cant erase historical artifakts just because somone made it evil. Maybe its time to take it back?
The mirrored picture
Gold plated ”turtle brooches” (spännbucklor).
Nicely made replica of Embroidered silk collar from Valsgärde, Uppland Sweden.
Interpretation of a viking womans outfit.Many things in this was really unclear. There where not enough information and datings on the items and some slightly hazy text about islam vs viking culture and heaven and so on. And then this:
This is clearly viking inspired clothing, but it she didnt say this in the information text?! We nerds can tell but regular people might not understand that this is fantasy. As a archeologist from a university you need to be really clear on these matters is you do an exibition on a museum!Never less, the craft it beutifully executed, and its a fun mixture of different time periods.
Note the embroidery on the neckline! Similar to an embroidery in Birka Grave 735.
The last part of the exibition showed the line of styles we have had from viking age to modern time with all its influences from all over the world.
Traditional swedish kurbits flowers.
A persian (?) pattern printed on a pillow.Enköping museum allso has some other objects. Found some pretty medieval chandeliers to admire.
Jane Austen exibition on Skokloster castle
Skokloster castle had a Jane austen exibition so me and my mum took a daytrip to visit the castle.
New made clothing from the exibition.
And then some originals:
16th century shoesI got a bit chocked to see this painting here. I litterly said ”WTF why is this painting HERE?! So aparently swedish soldier stole this Giuseppe Arcimboldo painting, painted in 1590, in Prage or Vienna (?) in the 17th century. Crazy! A painter a little a head of his time..One of the owners of the castle had a ridiculous collection of armors. This is just a small part of it. The most interesting thing in the collection for me was a hammock made by natives in some south American country.The great unfinnished hall. The only castle hall in Sweden at least that is still a working place.
Oslo viking ship museum
Finnaly we got too see the museum! On the way back from Gudvangen we wanted to make a stop in Oslo to go to museums, the viking ship museum and then the folkemuseum wich is really close. The viking museum has a lot more than just the viking ships, they have furniture, textiles, tent parts, wagons etc. Here is a lovely animal (dragon?) head:
Gokstad ship
Tent frame? This discussed but it is the most common theory.
Some woven tapestries, Im gessing these are reconstructions.
A handle of some sort
Cards for card weaving
Tool for yarn
I think this was from a child bed
A chair
Foto: Oslo viking ship museum
A shoe
Heads on one of the wagons
Top carvings from a ”tent frame”
Another animal (dragon?) head
Toothless hihi -
Oslo museum trip
After we went to Oslo viking ship museum we went just a few 100m away to te folkemuseum (folk museum). Its a outdoors museum that have alot of buildings from different time periods but its also a indoor museum with clothing and furniture.
Male outfit, early 1800s. wool coat, wool or cotton waistcoat and (probably) chamois leather pants with very pretty embroidery.
18th century shoes, embroidered silk.
Womens undergarments late 19th century.
Fabric press cabinet.
Part of a shirt 1800-1850. Intresting gores on the shoulders!
Loose collar to wear over a deep necklined shift. Very practical when you dont want to wash to much!
I looove this one!! Its a yarn basket. It lookes like viking age but its not! Its says; probably 1500-1700s, from Seljord in Telemark.
Copy of a church chair in Tyldal church in Hedmark, 1150s
This is Gol stave church. It is actually moved here all the way from Gol, wich we passed on the way down from Gudvangen.