Blue 15th century dress
Foto by Pernilla Björnsdotter edited by me.Here is a new dress that I made this winter! Im very exited about it since I
have wanted to do it for many years but alot of stuff got in the way… I love
the lacing on these gowns, it seem to have been very popular for a while since
there is so many pictures with ladies wearing this type of dress in different
colors. This dress is also german from late 15th century (yes… I know but I
like it!), mostly around 1470s. The ladies in this pictures dont have any
veils on just various braids that cross on top of the forhead. I cant get that
to look good with my wig so Im wearing a late 15th century turban instead. I
also made mine without a long skirt trail since Im working in the dress. Not
correct but its to much in the way for a working girl. I did my yellow dress
long first but had to cut it so I learnt from my mistake. If you only visit a
market or other event then defenetly go for the long skirt! 🙂Note the guys curly hair! They must have been doing alot of curling up on
fabric scraps haha!Some of the girls have ”underskirts” of some kind. I wonder if they have a
underdress or if its the painters addition. It might be a tight lacing
underdress but I have only seen the linen ones yet so I have to search more.
It is always hard to research under layers of clothing.Dont know whats happening in this picture…but look at that brocade mrr!Foto by Pernilla Björnsdotter edited by me.Foto by Pernilla Björnsdotter edited by me.The pattern
I made this dress aswell as the yellow dress with the typical plate arms that is common in this time period. They are super tricky to make and to make it even harder I made a new version since the arm has a higher slit than my yellow dress, so had to make a new pattern. Since I was in a hurry for a market as usuall I didnt have to much time to perfect the back (soo hard to do that on your self umg..!) but it will do. If I would remake it I would give it a bit more range of movement over the shoulder/arms. On to the patern: Exept for the mog boy dress there are fragments from Lengberg castle that was found not to long ago. In the picture below are pieces of lining from this kind of dress (yey!) These finding are so great since they let us know more about the construction. I like the gore solution in the back and will defenetly try this on the next one, I did a straight top since I have seen that on many pictures aswell (see picture after this one). There is probably many ways to do it.
My pattern pieces basicly look like Queen Margareta of sweden´s dress but with the plate arm back thingy and I aded gores on the sides. I made the pieces in extra wide A-shapes for the pleating in the front.I couldnt stand the tought of putting linen lining in it (cold/heat sensative) so I decided to skip lining and do a solution like this, with linen to cover the pleats and then I made a linen ”waist ribbon” that I could sew the front pleats onto. Ps: I didnt have any blue linen thread so I just took regular instead.Foto by Pernilla Björnsdotter edited by me.Here you can see the front pleats better. I sewed them into my hidden waist ribbon, to keep them in pleace.Foto by Pernilla Björnsdotter edited by me. -
Green late 15th century dress
I dont have any pictures from when I made this dress a few year ago, maybe 2014? But I got many questions about it, since it doesnt look like a regular cotehardie so I tought I should show what I based it on. It is not a fantasy dress but a simple and nice late 15th century German dress.The fabric is a very nice and soft tabby in olive green from my shop.The pattern is my basic cotehardie pattern with S-arm, but with some extra width in the front so it would pleat in the waist. I used 2 brass button and sewed loops in wool yarn and aded 2 or 3 hooks down the waist to close the waist. -
Hamar medieval festival 2018
The tree ferrys of Hamar!This weekend im in Hamar, norway selling frabrics 😀 Its been a great week!
Going down to eat a great a medieval dinner in the camp.
Before the markets we went picking oisters that we brought directly to the market to eat. Fresh in water of course. -
Kmm 2018
Wadköping medieval market 2017
Arboga medieval market is a little cozy market in Örebro, Sweden. Its in the old part of the town where theres still a late 19th century block with shops, a cafe and a museum.
A bit rainy before opening, not so happy about that.
Some music by the medieval band Patrask.
Some not so medieval fruits while listening to the music.
Kmm 2017
Kopenhagen medieval market with alex!I was chocked to see how big this market is! There wasnt alot of information about it so i took a chance going there but its the biggest one I´ve been to jet! The market is divided into parts; viking, medieval and fantasy and in the end there is a tournament and fighting place.Ps. The closest pizzeria is amazing! Real Italian pizza, not like the swedish pizza.. 😀
Making dishes in the rain xD
A cosy viking tent I saw!
Spring= Tent and furniture fixing
Making a new table for the tent. For this I went and bought the widest boards they had. Its pine and lucky for me it had rain on the last they had so they were a little gray wich i liked but I also got a good price for them because of that. I put them together with just two ribs across underneath with screws. For the stain I used:2/3 linseed oil1/1 terpentineand a splash of tarblack iron oxidered iron oxide (i think..not sure..)
The legs are antique that I traded me. They are cutted into two so this is one half. The only thing I did to them was put som linseed oil/terpentine mix to preserv them. It really brought them back to life.
I love, love, love, the spring!! The nature is exploating with energi and everything comes to life. The flowers are blooming, you can start to smell everything again after the winter and the gras and trees has a strong green tint to them.
My Allium are blooming, soon to be a big beautiful round purple flower.
And finally som fixing on the tent. Had to sew some seems around the edges that i had left.
When I sew outside, on a tent for example, I like to use this sewing machine. It would suprise you how strong it is. You can sew anything from clothing to thick layers of tent fabric. We also have a similar one with electricity that also is good for tents.
Late 15th century bag – Sent 1400-talsväska
Needed a bad for my 1400s outfits so i took help from Katafalks tutorial. Here you can find the tutorial.Behövde en väska till mina 1400-talsdräkter och tog hjälp av Katafalks tutorial. Här finns den.
Hittade en bit mocka-skinn i min gömmor som passade till att bli väska. Den hade dock en gråbrun färg så jag färgade först med narvsvärta, likaså med flärpen.Found a piece of suede in my leatherbox that would do it as a bag. It had a gray brown shade so i coloured it first, the strap aswell.
Här syr jag på fickorna. Syr med vaxad linnetråd såklart.Here I am sewing the pockets. Im off course sewing with waxed linnen tread.
Knappen sydde jag av en cirkel som jag stoppade en träbit i, man kan även fylla med små skinnbitar.I made the button from a circle that i put a piece of wood in, you can also fill it with leather pieces.
Sen trädde jag på glaspärlor på knytremmarna så den inte skulle se exakt likadan ut som Katafalks.Later I put som glas beads on the small straps so it would not look exactly the same as Katafalks bag.
Lengberg inspired undergarments
I wanted medieval underwear but was not ready for the 15th century apple tits just yet. I know its a part of the 15th century siluette but i promise i´ll try it later! So i did a lengberg inspired bra instead. The acheologist think that the Lengberg bra was actually a underdress, and I belive so to. There is a lot of pictures from the 15th century with women in fitted underdresses that have loose skirt part from the waist down.I wanted to have a bra that I can have under all my viking and medieval garments just so I can skip the modern bra. So this bra didnt need to be historical acurate since its not going to show other than in the siluette maybe. And i can also use this one as a bikini! Linen is actually great for bikinis since it dryes so quick!To make it easy to get in it I made hooks on one side and lacing on the other side to pull it tight.Jag ville ha medeltida underkläder men kände mig inte riktigt redo för sena 1400-talets äppeltuttar riktigt än. Dom är ju en del av 1400-tals siluetten men jag lovar att gör en ordentlig senare! XDSå istället gjorde jag en Lengberg-inspirerad bh. Arkeologerna har kommit fram till att Lengbergbh:n igentligen är en del av en underklänning, vilket jag med tror då det finns många bilder med kvinnor i formade underklänningar från den hör perioden som har en kjoldel från midjan och ned.Jag ville ha en bh som jag kan ha under både vikinga- och medeltida kläder för att kunna skippa modern bh som kanske syns ibland. Så den här bh:n behövde inte vara helt hk då den ändå inte ska synas. Jag kan även använda den som en bikini! Linne är ju superbra material för badkläder då det torkar så fort!För att enkelt komma i och ur den så har den fått hyskar o hakar i ena sidan och en snörning i andra för att kunna dra åt.
Here you can see who women in panties. If somebody wknows what the lady to the left is doing please tell me! Why hold a woolstick and pull down your panties next to the dude to the right? Or is this only used for menstruation? -
MTV 2015 part 2
Onsdag är den stora eldshowdagen och alla umgås nordergravar för att hålla platser till kvällen då Trix håller show.Wednesday is the big fire show day and everyone is hanging out north of the wall to keep their spot to the evening when Trix are holding the show.