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    Vacation! Dala-floda

    I finnaly decided to have my first proper vacation. We wanted to go on a roadtrip up to Jämtland and back so Alex could see the summer lanscape there. Our trip went through Dalarna-Jämtland-Hälsingland. First stop was Dräktboden (the costume shop) in a little village called Dala-floda. They have one of the prettiest folk dress in Sweden I think, with all their embroidered flowers that they started with in the 1800s when chemical dies got common and yarns in all colors where more easy to get hold on. The costume has alot of colors and alot of flowers.
    At hemslöjden (homecrafts) they have a little shop with second hand dress items, many from the 19th century that has been passed down in generations.

    Note the bonnets! A fashion from the first half of the 19th century that for some reason stayed in this region. The outside is covered with cotton tartan and the inside with wool muslin with roses. They also have wool bonnets covered with embroidered flowers and different types of tartan head scarfs for different occasions of the year.
