Oslo museum trip
After we went to Oslo viking ship museum we went just a few 100m away to te folkemuseum (folk museum). Its a outdoors museum that have alot of buildings from different time periods but its also a indoor museum with clothing and furniture.
Male outfit, early 1800s. wool coat, wool or cotton waistcoat and (probably) chamois leather pants with very pretty embroidery.
18th century shoes, embroidered silk.
Womens undergarments late 19th century.
Fabric press cabinet.
Part of a shirt 1800-1850. Intresting gores on the shoulders!
Loose collar to wear over a deep necklined shift. Very practical when you dont want to wash to much!
I looove this one!! Its a yarn basket. It lookes like viking age but its not! Its says; probably 1500-1700s, from Seljord in Telemark.
Copy of a church chair in Tyldal church in Hedmark, 1150s
This is Gol stave church. It is actually moved here all the way from Gol, wich we passed on the way down from Gudvangen.
Gudvangen part 3- the market
Finaly at the Gudvangen market! This place is truly amazing! Its so beautifull it tingles in all of your body. There is waterfalls on all moutain sides and when the sun comes in after the rain…omg! You wont regret it if you go there!
Borgund stavchurch
My first stavechurch! Its has been a dream to see them! 😀 I love old buildings but these are my favourite. Borgund church is built about 1180, but the viking style was stil going strong.
Viking style animal heads
The wood looks so pretty after all these years of tear down and tar! I wouldnt mind a house like that.. -
Gudvangen trip part 2
Day 2 in Norway. Today we woke up to sunny weather! Off we go!
Gudvangen 2016
Now we are going to go on a trip we both have been longing for a long time. We are going up to the viking market in gudvangen! Im so exited to se the fjords and take alot of pictures!!From Uppsala to Gudvangen is a very long drive so we divided it. First we slept in Karlstad one night and then we drove past Olso until we felt tired at started searching for a place to camp for night.Just a stop for leg stretching! Already getting more beautiful!
We managed to find a tiny gravel road to stay for the night and set up a tent. Love the view! Feels like Jämtland, my home county!
Lengberg inspired undergarments
I wanted medieval underwear but was not ready for the 15th century apple tits just yet. I know its a part of the 15th century siluette but i promise i´ll try it later! So i did a lengberg inspired bra instead. The acheologist think that the Lengberg bra was actually a underdress, and I belive so to. There is a lot of pictures from the 15th century with women in fitted underdresses that have loose skirt part from the waist down.I wanted to have a bra that I can have under all my viking and medieval garments just so I can skip the modern bra. So this bra didnt need to be historical acurate since its not going to show other than in the siluette maybe. And i can also use this one as a bikini! Linen is actually great for bikinis since it dryes so quick!To make it easy to get in it I made hooks on one side and lacing on the other side to pull it tight.Jag ville ha medeltida underkläder men kände mig inte riktigt redo för sena 1400-talets äppeltuttar riktigt än. Dom är ju en del av 1400-tals siluetten men jag lovar att gör en ordentlig senare! XDSå istället gjorde jag en Lengberg-inspirerad bh. Arkeologerna har kommit fram till att Lengbergbh:n igentligen är en del av en underklänning, vilket jag med tror då det finns många bilder med kvinnor i formade underklänningar från den hör perioden som har en kjoldel från midjan och ned.Jag ville ha en bh som jag kan ha under både vikinga- och medeltida kläder för att kunna skippa modern bh som kanske syns ibland. Så den här bh:n behövde inte vara helt hk då den ändå inte ska synas. Jag kan även använda den som en bikini! Linne är ju superbra material för badkläder då det torkar så fort!För att enkelt komma i och ur den så har den fått hyskar o hakar i ena sidan och en snörning i andra för att kunna dra åt.
Here you can see who women in panties. If somebody wknows what the lady to the left is doing please tell me! Why hold a woolstick and pull down your panties next to the dude to the right? Or is this only used for menstruation? -
Fishhead pendants 2
Har tidigare skrivit om mina fiskhuvudformade hängen. Här.Har nu lagt till lite pärlor. De gula och lila tog jag bara så länge tills jag hittar gula och mörkgula som liknar fyndet. En pärla i taget så blir den klar till slut xD.I have earlyer written about my fishhead pendants. Here.I added some pearls. The yellow and purple are just for now, until i can find yellow and dark yellow that matches the original. One by one pearl it will be done in the end xD.
Foto: historiska museet -
MTV 2015 part 2
Onsdag är den stora eldshowdagen och alla umgås nordergravar för att hålla platser till kvällen då Trix håller show.Wednesday is the big fire show day and everyone is hanging out north of the wall to keep their spot to the evening when Trix are holding the show.
Whats wrong with my head? you might wonder. Nothing at all! Its just a very fashionable headwear from 1490-1500. This period is all about big headwear for women with is perfect since I wear wig!Vad är det för fel på mitt huvud? kanske du undrar. Ingenting alls! Har bara på mig en mkt fashionabel huvudbonad från 1490 ish. I den här perioden är det stora huvudbonader som gäller vilken passar perfekt då ja har peruk!
I made a roll in linen fabric, stuffed with cotton (wool would be more period but i just had a lot of cotton). I fastened it with safetypins for now but i will sew it on a cap or something laterJag gjorde en lös rulle i linne, fylld med bomull (ull vore mer hk men jag hade mkt bomull). Satt fast den med säkerhetsnålar nu men ska sy fast den på nån hätta senare.
Första gången jag såg dessa runor blev jag kär, skulle jag ha någon vikingatatuering skulle det vara den här. En kärleksdikt på en vävkniv, kanske en kärleksgåva kanske trollkonst? Larvigt kanske men ändå väldigt fint. Tattueringen är gjord av min vän Kai, Kunsten på kroppen.Mun thu mik, man un thu an mer an therTänker du på mig, jag tänker på dig. Älskar du mig, jag älskar dig.Are you thinking about me, im thinking about you. Do you love me, i love you.The first time I saw these runes I fell in love. If I was going to have a viking tattoo it was this one. A love poem on a weaving knife, maybe a love gift maybe magic. Tattoo made By my friend Kai, Kunsten på kroppen. Maybe its silly but i like it.
Bild från Riksantikvarieämbetet Foto: Bengt A. Lundberg
Kopia från Historiska MuseetCopy from Historiska Museet