Spring= Tent and furniture fixing
Making a new table for the tent. For this I went and bought the widest boards they had. Its pine and lucky for me it had rain on the last they had so they were a little gray wich i liked but I also got a good price for them because of that. I put them together with just two ribs across underneath with screws. For the stain I used:2/3 linseed oil1/1 terpentineand a splash of tarblack iron oxidered iron oxide (i think..not sure..)
The legs are antique that I traded me. They are cutted into two so this is one half. The only thing I did to them was put som linseed oil/terpentine mix to preserv them. It really brought them back to life.
I love, love, love, the spring!! The nature is exploating with energi and everything comes to life. The flowers are blooming, you can start to smell everything again after the winter and the gras and trees has a strong green tint to them.
My Allium are blooming, soon to be a big beautiful round purple flower.
And finally som fixing on the tent. Had to sew some seems around the edges that i had left.
When I sew outside, on a tent for example, I like to use this sewing machine. It would suprise you how strong it is. You can sew anything from clothing to thick layers of tent fabric. We also have a similar one with electricity that also is good for tents.
Carpentry education – Möbelsnickarutbildning
My life took a turn. Since I didnt get to study
textile science I searched for other educations and found a furniture
carpentry class that I got accepted to. I have always like wood crafting
to but this is very new to me. Its going to be so much fun!Here is our workplace:Mitt liv tog en helomvändning. Eftersom det inte blev någon textilvetenskap så letade jag andra utbildningar och hittade en möbelsnickarutbildning som jag kom in på! Har alltid gillar träslöjd med men det är ändå helt nytt område. Skitkul ska det bli!Här nedan är våra lokaler:
Birch whisk – Björkvissp
På våren finns det ju massor av små bäbisbjörkar och då är det perfekt att passa på att göra en björkvisp.Hur man gör:Plocka små raka björkkvistar, skär av utstickande grenar och avbarka med knivens baksida.Är väldigt förtjust i min slöjdkniv (morakniv) så den har fått min bo-runa ett kombination av mina initialer.
Skinnkursarna avbarkar sälj.
Viking chest – vikingakista
Har gjort en ny kista! 😀 bilderna från produktionen av den försvann tyvär när min mobil gick sönder men här är resultatet iaf. Den kommer att bli matkista i sommar när jag åker runt på marknader.Fattas ett beslag där fram bara för lås.Den är behandlad med linolja blandat med tjära och rödockra och innuti bara linolja.