• Markets,  Viking,  Viking markets

    Foteviken 2018

    Back to foteviken again! Skåne always feels a bit exotic to me haha!
    Its has Been very hot and dry, but we had a nice time as usuall!
    This time I also got the chance to take some photos with @morfeiphoto. He is a great photografer so make sure to have a look on his insta!

     The tent will all my fabrics is set, now waiting for the market to open! Look how dry it is! Insane! its usually very green.

     We just hade to swim in this weather! We just had to get past all the algeas first..

    Foto by @morfeiphoto
    Foto by @morfeiphoto

    Markus was so nice to help me take down my rig! We made personal record!